Arm of (THE GREAT ACHIEVERS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL) provides humanitarian services in developing nations, makes grants,
and provides training for grassroots organizations in the Third World, participating in a wide variety of community based
initiatives. We:
- Act as in incubator for effective philanthropic ideas and entrepreneurial leadership.
- Provide both humanitarian services as well as training and technical assistance.
- We Started this foudation in 2002 with the vision to enhance the quality of life for all
members of the global community, especially those who are poor, suffering, or are otherwise disadvantaged.
- Are set up to make giving internationally easier and more effective, eliminating many of the challenges
encountered by those wishing to help deserving causes abroad, by offering:
- Professional grant-making staff knowledgeable of, and experienced in, overseas work.
- Due diligence and accountability. We handle all legal and regulatory issues,
ensuring that funds arrive safely and are properly used, as well as monitoring grantee effectiveness.
- Tax deductibility. As a qualified public charity, contributions to Wilcaf are eligible for maximum
allowable federal tax deduction.
- Access to tried and proven organizations on all continents. Qualified and effective projects have
been pre-screened and are accountable to WILCAF, and thus to you, the donor.
- Low administrational overhead.
This year alone, mobile clinics:
- provided medical attention to 6,129 people in Kaduna's most rural villages;
- initiated a widespread immunization program and dispensed applicable medicines;
- trained 16 rural-birth attendants and eight village health workers;
- held numerous health and AIDS awareness classes in the village schools.
 Rural child receives medicine.
 Distributing a consignment of goods.
The construction of a new health center/hospital is nearing its completion, thanks to the
generous donations and sponsorship of caring individuals. This will be a monumental improvement over the present healthcare
facility (a small thatched roof hut containing only one bunk bed, a desk and numerous medicine cabinets).
Vocational Training
Since 2002, WILCAF has conducted Vocational Training Courses in Ibadan, Maiduguri and
Enugu, training both orphans and handicapped youngsters: those physically and mentally challenged, and/or deaf and blind.
The vocations taught include: tailoring, baking, poultry farming and secretarial work.
 Ibadan Cheshire Home Poultry Farm
 Work in progress on structure for Vocational Poultry Farm.
 Completed structure.
With each and every new undertaking, the main goal is always to educate the children and older students
in trades that will enable them to become self-sufficient-giving dignity and purpose to the lives that held little hope before.
For example, students are now managing the poultry farm above, with minimal assistance from their course manager. The students
enrolled in the course also receive training in basic business and accounting, learning to maintain records of investment/selling
costs, marketing, etc
 At Ibadan School for the Deaf
 Deaf students learning baking
In the case of the baking classes, young people learn the intricate and difficult task of large-scale
bread baking. The brick oven can bake over 10 dozen loaves at a time and the adjacent kitchen has been fitted with an electrical
mixer and roller. The finished product will be used to supplement the dietary needs of the children, with part sold locally,
thus turning the course into a self-supporting and revenue producing venture.
Family Care has seen many of their older students continue the vocations that they have learned at
the centers. This training has enabled them to branch out on their own, with the prospect of finding good jobs, becoming self-sufficient,
and being recognized as valued members of their families and communities, despite their handicaps or economic status. The
blind students take a typing course using typewriters and Braille slates and stylus.
 Borno State Women’s Education program
 Orphan students learning to be tailors
Rural Adult Literacy Courses
WILCAF's adult literacy courses (running daily in six villages) empower adults with the
ability to read and write.
Other services
Malnutrition in infants and children is on the decline, due to the large donations of milk, cereal
and oral rehydration salts needed to combat this problem. Additionally, new crystal water wells were recently constructed
in two Kaduna villages.
WILCAF's plans for the near future include constructing two village schools, three wells and one small
bridge for the previously isolated village of Telele, whose dilapidated foot bridge made providing food, school equipment,
building supplies and medical assistance a real challenge.
Orphanage Support Programs
Instead of gathering an increasingly-greater number of orphanages under our wing, that become
reliant on our continued assistance each month, our efforts are focused on enabling each of the centers to become self sufficient,
while continually to improve their infrastructure with little outside help other than the initial investment and training. In Oyo and Enugu States,
this has been achieved by the construction of mini poultry farms, where the staff is trained to raise and sell the chickens
- keeping half the profits for reinvestment into a new batch and using the other half to raise the standard of living for
the children in the Homes, be it with school books and uniforms, more nutritional food, home renovations etc.
Mina To combat malnutrition, Family Care volunteers aid the Mina Orphanage
Home by distributing healthy baby food and other necessary supplies. Improving the physical appearance of the center was accomplished
by repainting sections of the orphanage; WILCAF volunteers then instructed the local staff about the importance of properly
maintaining the facility and of keeping hygiene standards that will protect the health of the children in their care.
AFRICAN WILCAF firmly believes in the proverb, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when
he is old he will not depart from it." Consequently, their main focus is to inform teachers and caretakers that giving quality
attention to each child will have a lasting and positive impact. The Warri Orphanage Program is a prime example of this.KBMNI-
WILCAF has developed a series of seminars and classes to demonstrate how dedication and commitment are cornerstones in a child's
development. In addition to donating needed supplies and educating Warri's teachers, Family Care invests in the children themselves
through lively classes and lots of personal interaction, encouragement and love-the keys to success!
The majority of patients who benefited from these projects would have never had the opportunity to
consult a doctor because of their rural location and inability to afford treatment and/or medicine.
 Many patients required extensive dental surgery. |
 While others only require basic dental attention |
On a typical medical project,KBMNI- WILCAF assembles a team of medically trained volunteers
for each weeklong project, gathering anywhere from 35 – 60 doctors, pediatricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, ophthalmologists,
optometrists, and logistical personnel. For the most part, state and local governments sponsor the prescription drugs used
in the free clinic programs.
As a rule, the throngs of people seeking treatment will arrive in much larger numbers than the volunteer
team is able to cope with. The usually quiet local hospital or building-turned-hospital becomes alive with activity, as many
thousands of would be patients queue up waiting for treatment.
 Preparing drug prescriptions. |
 Dispensing free prescription to patient. |
The dedicated team of volunteers will work tirelessly through each day attending to the
plights of the many needy patients.
While many of the patients receive treatment for more basic ailments, some show up with
very large growths and hernias, which have been allowed to escalate to such proportions due to the absence of proper attention.
Carrying their burdening growths for up to a decade, the afflicted are able to find relief in the form of surgical attention,
without which, they would have continued to painfully exist with their conditions with no hope of being treated.
 Eye examination |
Eye treatment is in the highest demand. Many Nigerians who previously had been completely
blind can now see due to the many ophthalmic surgical procedures that have been carried out. Aside from eye surgery, large-scale
eye testing and distribution of eyeglasses has greatly improved the vision of many, especially the aged.
 The KBMNI- WILCAF team in from of the Obubra (Cross River State) Hospital. |
 Professional volunteers include doctors, surgeons, dentists, and pharmacists. |
Thanks to the generous support of GAIC and her arm- KBMNI- WINNAS LIFE CARE FOUNDATION sponsors,
government agencies, participating NGOs, and countless volunteers, we anticipate a continual increase in the number of lives
we are able to touch each year. This goal can be reached by generating an awareness of the need, which will, in turn, inspire
more organizations and individuals to become involved with these programs. |