We are seeking to build a great church — a large, strong, stable
and loving family church for all generations, releasing people into their God-given potential and possibility—and
together touching, blessing and unmistakeably influencing our community, nation, and the world with the good news of
salvation and victory through Jesus Christ!
Jesus said He would build His church, and the gates of Hell would not prevail against
it! (Mt. 16) The church is a body not a building, a people not just a place. We are seeking to build the one thing Jesus said
He was building — the church! First in our own local church, then we seek to be a blessing to various other parts
of His church, the Body of Christ, and then a blessing to the world that so desperately needs the love and touch of Jesus
Our Highest Call — Why Victory Assembly?
This is the ultimate reason Victory Assembly exists...
"The Glory of God!"
God planted Victory Church, and we live not for ourselves, but for His
He created us, all the universe, the earth and everything
in it! It's all His!
We're to live for His purposes, not our own! We belong to Him!
We follow His will for our lives, His assignment, then He blesses and fulfills!
We live only for His plan and His will. He then takes care of all the rest!
It's the potter who knows how to make a beautiful vessel, and for what purpose it is best suited,
not the vessel itself! (Isaiah 29.16) Whatever the Father plants will last, and be fruitful, but everything the Father does
not plant will end up being uprooted (Matthew 15.13). Since God created everything, it pays for us to realize He knows what's
best for us in both life and eternity, and to listen to and obey Him! That's how we experience true success and blessing,
both now and in eternity.
We know God has planted Victory Temple Assembly (G.A.I.C) in Valencia, Spain.
We are seeking to obey Him in all we do, follow His plan for us, and help others discover the blessing of doing that in their
lives also. We do all this for His glory, because He is a good God. He created us, He has all the answers for us, now and
forever, and He is worthy!
"Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His
power, and everything is for His glory." — Romans 11.36 LB
Our Vision
a specific description of what accomplishing our mission looks like...
It is the vision of a PEOPLE glorifying
and worshiping God, lifting up the name of Jesus Christ in our world today.
It is the vision of a PLACE
where the searching or the hurting, the lonely or the frustrated, the rich or the poor—indeed
where anyone can find love, forgiveness, acceptance and hope—salvation and victory in life through Jesus Christ! The
church is people, but people need a place to call their home.
It is the vision of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, in the power of His Spirit, with
the thousands of people living in our communities in Valencia Spain and beyond.
It is the vision of welcoming a thousand members and more into the fellowship of our church
family—loving, learning, laughing, living, and serving Christ in harmony together.
It is the vision of relating through small groups and other casual venues, building healthy
friendships in God's house that provide support, encouragement and inspiration to be all we can be in God, relating in down-to-earth
ways that fulfill people's hearts and lives in ways that corporate structure or religious institution cannot.
It is the vision of developing people and families to their fullest potential, to spiritual
maturity, leadership in life, living a life of righteousness and victory—through relevant and meaningful biblical
messages, classes, Bible studies, small groups, seminars, retreats, ministries, mentoring, a full Bible school for our
members—and through helping them develop and deepen their personal relationship with the Lord through prayer, worship,
and Bible reading.
It is the vision of equipping every believer to fulfill and be fulfilled in their unique ministry
through training, teaching, mentoring and modeling—helping them discover, use and develop with excellence the gifts
and talents God has given them.
It is the vision of empowering every member for a personal life mission in the world, including
effectively sharing the good news of Christ, touching the lives of others with His love and redeeming power through works
of service and words of grace, and by demonstrating in life the goodness and blessing of God's unique and abundant plan for
each of our lives.
It is the vision of impacting our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ through large and
relevant special events, works of service and expressions of God's love for our community, and personally sharing the gospel
with those we meet.
It is the vision of calling our nation back to God, Who is the source of America's blessings,
and encouraging our people to be involved with godly values in the life of our nation at every level.
It is the vision of sending missionaries, ministers, and lay people across the nation and around
the world with the gospel, reaching other nations for Christ, aiding and establishing churches, including sending out our
members by the hundreds on short-term mission trips to other countries.
Our Strategy
strategies we use to accomplish and fulfill our mission and vision...
We emphasize and balance the eternal purposes of God given to us in the Scriptures—worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and
evangelism, all as directed by the Holy Spirit in our particular church. Our Biblical purposes
are to MAGNIFY (Worship)
God and to proclaim His Word in the power of the Holy Spirit, in order to bring people into MEMBERSHIP (Fellowship) in the love of God’s great family, and then
on to MATURITY (Discipleship) which is growth and victory, being
touched and changed by God in every area of our lives, and then to discover, develop and deploy the MINISTRY (Ministry) gifts and talents in each of us to serve and build up the church, and
finally the fulfilling of our MISSION (Evangelism) and purpose in life—God‘s personal plan for our
individual lives, which includes seeing our family and others reached for the Lord, and rescued from a lost life!
We host relevant weekend services that both
appeal to our visitors and provide good spiritual content for our members.We use every means possible
to reach people for Christ, both home and abroad—never changing the gospel message, but always
being willing to change the method to reach our generation.We do everything worthy of the glory of
God—with excellence, passion (lukewarm anything is unacceptable), integrity and character—reflecting
Jesus as best we can to a lost world.We reach and teach every age group with their unique needs—developing separate ministries for children, youth, college and career, young couples, seniors, etc.We develop small groups and ministries so that every member can find relationships, a
sense of belonging, spiritual growth, and use their gifts and talents for the cause of Christ.