God gave us good news that he has personally
paid the heavy price for all our selfish, rebellious, destructive, evil lunacy. When, by the grace of God, you come to see
that and believe it, you have repented. To repent is to say: "Yes! I believe it! I trust your word! I'm leaving behind this
rat-race life of mine, this pointless struggle to hold together with chewing gum and baling wire this death I thought was
life. I'm ready for your rest. Help my unbelief!"
The gospel of Jesus Christ
is good news. It remains forever, good news, the best news imaginable, for absolutely everybody and everything. It is not
merely good news for the few who came to know Christ before they died; it is good news for the whole of creation—even
for all those who died before they ever heard of Christ.
Repent and believe
"Repent and believe the gospel," Jesus declares in Mark
1:15. Repentance and faith mark the beginning of our new life in the kingdom of God. They don’t mark it because we did
the right thing. They mark it because that is when the scales fall off our darkened eyes and we at last see in Jesus Christ
the glorious light of the liberty of the sons of God.
Everything that ever needed to be done for human forgiveness
and salvation has already been done through the death and resurrection of the Son of God. There was a time when we were in
the dark about that. We couldn’t enjoy it or rest in it because we were blind to it.
We thought we had to make our own way in this world, and
we spent all our effort and time plowing as straight a furrow in our little corner of life as we could manage.
We devoted all our attention to keeping our life and our
future safe and secure. We worked hard to be respected and appreciated. We stood up for our rights and tried not to let anybody
or anything take unfair advantage of us. We fought to protect and preserve our reputation, our family, our belongings. We
did everything in our power to make something worthwhile of our lives, to be winners and not losers.
But like everybody who ever lived, it was a losing battle.
Despite all our best efforts and plans and hard work, we simply cannot control our lives. We cannot keep disasters and tragedies
and failures and pains from coming out of nowhere and shattering what little scraps of hope and joy we have managed to piece
Then one day, for no other reason than that he wanted to,
God let us in on the way things actually are. The world is his, and we are his.
We are dead in sin, and there is no way out. We are lost
blind losers in a world of lost blind losers, because we don’t have the sense to hold the hand of the only One who knows
his way around. But that’s OK, because he became a loser for us through crucifixion and death, and we can be winners
with him by joining him in his death so that we can also join him in his resurrection.
Here I might describe my Mom, including such information as where and when she was born and where she went to school. I'll
also write about where she works and some of her interests.
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Here I might describe my Dad, including such information as where and when he was born and where he went to school. I'll also
write about where he works and some of his interests.
My Children
Here I might write about my children. I will write when they were born and what grade they are currently in. I will also mention
some the teams and organizations they are involved with.
This word has been deep in my spirit today
as I meditated on Matthew 9:36 TAB: When He (Jesus) saw the throngs, He was moved with pity and sympathy
(compassion) for them, because they were bewildered (harassed and distressed and dejected and helpless), like sheep without
a shepherd.
What do sheep need from a Good Shepherd?
- Good pasture. He The Good Shepherd (Jesus) leads us beside still waters and green pastures
(Ps 25:2).
- The Good shepherd guides the sheep. They will not lack. He feeds, guides and shields them (Ps
- The Good Shepherd refreshes and restores the sheep (Ps 23:3a).
- The Good Shepherd leads His sheep in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Ps 23:3b).
He wants His sheep to walk in paths of righteousness.
- The Good Shepherd protects His sheep when they are in danger. He watches over them when they
walk through the valley of the shadow of death (John 10:10; Ps 23:4). He fights the lions and bears that attack His sheep
(I Sam 17).
- The Good Shepherd feeds His sheep in the presence of their enemies. He prepares a table with
all kind of good things to feed His sheep (Ps 23:5a). The Good shepherd wants His sheep fed and not malnourished.
- The Good shepherd anoints His sheep with oil to destroy the yoke of the enemy. The oil is a
representation of the Holy Spirit. It is the balm of Gilead (Isa10: 27; Ps 23:5b).
- The Good Shepherd ensures that His mercy and goodness follow His sheep all the days of
their lives and they shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psa23: 6).
- The Good Shepherd is willing to lay down His life for His sheep (John 10:11; 15-18).
- The Good Shepherd knows and recognizes His own sheep and they know Him (John 10:14).
- The Good Shepherd does not serve His sheep for wages. He is not a hireling. He loves His sheep
and He is willing to lay down His life for the sheep (John 10:11-13; Ezek 34:1-31).
This is the Word of the Lord to His spiritual shepherds (Pastors and those appointed to oversees the
“ Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and cause them
to cease feeding the sheep, neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more. I will rescue My sheep from their mouths,
that they may not be food for them “ (Ezekiel 34:9-10; TAB).
Spiritual shepherds (Pastors and those appointed to oversee sheep) are warned by the Good Shepherd
here. It is time for accountability for the sheep that the Good Shepherd has entrusted to us:
- Behold, I am against (not for) the shepherds, and I will require my sheep (not your sheep
or your members) at their hand.
- I will cause them (shepherds) to cease feeding the sheep.
The Good Shepherd is folding up some ministries and so-called “churches “ in this
city and all over the world. Don’t be surprised when you see ministries closing down. Don’t be surprised when
you see the true Body of Christ being restructured. God is in control He is restoring order to His Body. We will see true
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. God is restoring the Five Fold Ministry back to the Church. That was
His order for the Church from the day of Pentecost and that is how it will remain until Jesus returns. The fake and those
who resist this coming move of God will be sidelined. Watch God do it.
- Neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more (they will not only
think about themselves anymore as shepherds. They will think about the sheep the Good Shepherd has entrusted to them. ).
- The Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, will rescue His sheep from the mouths of
shepherds (Pastors) that the sheep may not be food for them anymore.
Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, is now actively involved in a major rescue
mission to deliver His sheep from the mouths of the wolves clothed in sheep clothing. Those shepherds who devoured them (John
10:10-13). It is already happening. The process is on. Don’t be
surprised when ministries and some churches close down at unprecedented levels. Don’t be surprised when new ministries
spring up with a strong apostolic calling and anointing upon them. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. He is doing a quick
work and He will finish it in righteousness (Rom 9:28). Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd is moving
His sheep to shepherds who will feed them with good pasture. Watch God do it!
In His Vineyard,
Bishop Prince Nnams Kalu
Here I might talk about other people in my family, or include a picture of all of us together at some special event.