Employment Policy
When a person accepts a position with GAIC, that person affiliates with a group that shares a special joy in working in Christian
ministry. Our desire is to have a common interest and dedication in serving Christ through the maximum development of this
congregation's ministry our GAIC
We are glad you have chosen to work with us and trust our efforts together will produce an atmosphere
compatible with the Christian principles we represent. You play an important role in the enrichment of the lives of all who
attend here. Every staff member is essential to creating an environment of harmony in which to work.
Please, if there are comments or criticisms about anything you see at THE
GREAT ACHIEVERS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL/ CHURCHES, let the General Overseer and his Pastoral staff know about it.
As a staff member we want your experiences to be pleasant, meaningful and educational. Remember, we each must rely on God's
wisdom and strength to do our jobs as unto Him.
Employee Classifications
Pastoral Staff: Pastoral staff includes all pastors whether they be senior pastor or associate
pastor. Support/Office Staff: Support/office staff includes all staff members who are not considered to be pastors. Both full-time
and part-time positions are included in this category.Permanent Staff Members: Permanent staff members include full-time and
part-time personnel who are hired on a permanent basis.Full-time: Temporary staff members include those who work as substitutes
during vacations, illness or other absences, and when extra assistance is need.
Application for Employment
All applicants for support/office staff positions at THE GREAT ACHIEVERS
MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL/ CHURCHES, both full-time and part-time, must complete the Application for Employment.
In filling positions, every effort is made to locate applicants who are especially suited to
working on a church staff. There is no discrimination because of race, sex or marital status. There is the requirement, however,
that the person be a born-again Christian.all Full time/part time Minister's Must pass through our Bible School
or Re-fresher Course.
At the time of employment, the person need be a member or attend services at GAIC. Ideally,
however, in order to fulfill one's responsibilities as a member of the staff, the person must be willing to become personally
involved in the ministry at GAIC.
In the case of the full-time church secretary/office manager, the applicant must be willing
to be tested to determine ability and aptitude for the job. Through the testing and interview process, recommendation(s) will
be made to the pastoral staff who will then interview the applicant(s).
The choice of the secretary/office manager shall be by consensus of the pastoral staff. The
pastoral staff will then bring its recommendation to the Board of Elders for approval. All other support/office staff applicants
will likewise be interviewed by the pastoral staff before being eligible for recommendation to the Board of Elders.
Probationary Period
A support/office staff employee hired for a permanent position will be placed on probationary
status for a period of SIX (6) months, during which time performance on and reaction to the job will be observed. At
the end of the probationary period, the pastoral staff will meet with the employee for an evaluation and determine if they
believe the person is qualified and able to fill the position.
If the pastoral staff does not deem the employee's performance satisfactory, suggestions for
improvement will be made and the probationary period extended one (1) month in order to give the employee an opportunity to
make improvements. If performance after the one-month extension is still deemed unsatisfactory, the employee may be dismissed
after compensation for the period actually worked.
If the employee's performance is satisfactory, his/her employment will then be considered to
be permanent so long as:
1. There is a need for someone in that position,
2. The performance of the employee continues to be satisfactory, and
3. The employee determines he/she is satisfied in the position.
An evaluation of performance for support/office personnel will be completed at the end of six
(6) months, at the end of the first year, and yearly thereafter by the immediate supervisor or pastoral staff.
The evaluation will be based on capability and performance in handling the day-to-day duties
of the position and contribution to the results of the total ministry of the ministry.
Termination of Employment
Office Staff
Resignation: Voluntary termination on the part of the employee requires a minimum One Month notice,
in writing, to the immediate supervisor or pastoral staff. The time it takes to rehire and train new personnel actually requires
more than two weeks; therefore, notification of a planned resignation several weeks in advance would be most helpful and greatly
appreciated.Discharge: Before an employee is discharged, the employee will be given a verbal warning by the immediate supervisor
or by a member of the pastoral staff that the employee's work is of insufficient quality and is not meeting the standards
required for the specific job.
A four-week period will be given the employee in which to remedy the complaints. If sufficient
improvement is not made within the four-week period of time, the employee's dismissal will be recommended to the Board of
Elders. No further notice shall be given before termination of employment.
Written documentation of interviews, reviews, and actions taken shall be maintained.
Work Practices
Employee Records
A personnel folder containing the employment application, any payroll changes, employee evaluations,
correspondence, and an attendance record is to be maintained for each employee. Any change in status is to be reported promptly
to the ministry office, such as change in address, telephone number, withholding exemptions, or marital status.
When possible, several days advanced notice because of an "expected" absence is appropriate.
If, for good cause, one must be absent unexpectedly, a call to the church office or pastoral staff as soon as possible is
expected. Excessive absence will jeopardize an employee's position on the staff.
If a situation forces one to be tardy, a call to the church office or pastoral staff is expected.
Office Hours
Though employee hours may vary, the church office is open from 8a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays (except
on holidays or as otherwise specified). A one-hour lunch break is provided and two fifteen-minute breaks per day at the discretion
of the employee.
Personal Grooming
Cleanliness and good personal grooming is a must. Moderation in hair styling, makeup, and clothing
(in keeping with the position held) is expected of every employee so as to be a good testimony and representative of this
Employees are encouraged to share responsibility in keeping the facilities clean and neat at
all times. Please report any problems in this regard to the church office or to one of the pastoral staff.
Public Relations
The staff represents this ministryt to every person with whom they come in contact. Visitors
and fellow employees should be treated with courtesy and kindness.
Interoffice Communication
Support/office personnel and pastoral staff should strive to keep each other informed as to
where they are and how they can be reached during office hours.
If an employee has a grievance, it is important that the issue be resolved as quickly as possible.
Many problems can be discussed and resolved in staff meetings. Problems of a more personal nature should be discussed promptly
with the immediate supervisor or one of the pastoral staff. If the problem is still unresolved, it should be taken, if necessary,
to the Board of Elders.
Effective security measures are a benefit to you as an employee and to the church as a whole.
Lost or stolen keys weaken security, so guard carefully all keys in your possession. If you are the last person to leave an
area that is normally locked, be sure the door is closed and locked properly.
An alarm system has been installed for the ministry office, work room, storage room and pastoral
offices. The last person to leave in the evening is responsible to set the alarm.
Leave personal valuables in a safe place. Be alert for people who should not be in the building
or on the grounds. A courteous "May I help you?" is always appropriate.
Each employee is to share in maintaining a safe place for everyone by always being on the alert
for any unsafe or hazardous situation and taking corrective action (on the spot if possible). Problems or needs in this area
should be brought up as soon as possible at staff meeting. A safety-conscious attitude and approach to all duties will minimize
the likelihood of an accident. If involved in (or are witness to) an accident while on the job, it must be reported to the ministry
office as soon as possible and a "written" report of all the details is an absolute necessity.
Ministry Budget
The church operates on a yearly budget and it is the responsibility of the staff to operate
within the guidelines set forth in that budget.
The Board of Elders must authorize permission for expenditures over the allotted budget.
Staff members will not accept designated money from the body for any purpose.
Staff members will not solicit contributions for programs and/or other purposes without prior
authorization from the Board of Elders.
If people indicate an interest in raising money for special projects or the needs of a staff
member or his program, the staff member shall ask that it not be done until there is official authorization from the Board
of Elders.
A staff member shall be careful to never solicit or encourage gifts from the congregation
for personal or family.
Staff Meetings
Staff meetings are held regularly to review the past month, discuss problems, make plans for
upcoming events and provide an opportunity for the staff to pray for the ministry and any special prayer requests from the
church body.
Regular attendance at staff meetings is required for all permanent full-time support/office
staff. If a staff member is unable to attend, a brief written report on ministry activities and plans is needed.
Minutes of the staff meetings shall be taken and distributed as soon as possible as a reminder
of tasks which need to be accomplished by various personnel.
Permanent full-time employees are paid monthly.
Permanent full-time employees will be paid once each month on the last work day of the month.
Under certain circumstances, a salary advance will be permitted. After written authorization
has been obtained from the pastoral staff and the church treasurer, the employee is responsible to communicate directly with
the bookkeer
Salary Increases
Supervisors will review job performance periodically and pay increases will be considered, if
warranted, on the basis of the established salary range.
Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
Support/office staff will be eligible for approved conferences or seminars as determined by
the pastoral staff.
The pastoral staff is responsible for guidance and approval of conferences to be attended by
support/office staff members. Care must be taken to assure that a conference has a direct contribution to be made to a staff
member's work and thus is of benefit to the church.
Careful planning in the scheduling and attending of conferences is vital so that conflict with
church-related responsibilities is avoided.